Lyms of

Rim of light. Crawling to the black
basalt edge. I’ll say the wrong 
thing and move in with him. Falls are the river’s way 
of getting back to normal. Simultaneously a mistake 
and correction: in order to erase itself. At the rift between
the water’s force and its path. (The physical industry of it.)
What causes the smoke to rise so high 
out of water
, the Kololo asked. (About Victoria.) So 
Leonardo wrote backwards, right to left 
using the left hand without punctuation. So 
limb means border
            all be but lyms of blissidnes
when you face limits 
rip them 
Sub up to = limen lintel
Hee on the wings of cherub rode
           towering. arch.   and
(in quest of
            , or
9.  Astray,
            b. as pred.?
Quantum pop.                        Loss
is a second acquisition. When you are preparing: 
dig a hole big enough for a friend.  Straighten 
the top vertebra. In the 1970’s Deborah Butterfield made horses 
out of mud and sticks, combined the figure
and the ground.
For half a century the city of light
had candles in only three sites. Now it spends $260,000 a day. 
Our insula “lights.” How long I ignored it: folded
and tucked deep. It took imaging. The same for the addict: 
it is not just. But: heart rate, blood pressure, 
tickle in lungs, taste. This is love, baby.  Remember 

to screw in lightbulbs 
            next.  With a titbit 
on your nose. 
Cluster or head of. 
            with a tie-rod or struts, so as to
8. fasten the wings 
or legs of (a 
            fowl.  before 
in a spinning trace 
            flanis flew ane felloun
You could say: I’m going to trust myself. And it will become 
part of me.
Note: Indian giver. In folk tales if you hold on 
to a gift you usually die. Sweetness starts 
on the tongue but it doesn’t end there. The secret is 
the democratization of puzzle invention. We like to fill up 
empty spaces. In nurikabe—islands in the stream
no isle can touch another. Look for 
the most constrained parts (often the corners). 
Try to work between. The wall? Impedes. 
Extends forever. Knock low to make it disappear.