Cover art and design by Edmundo Ortega
Winner of the Noemi Press Poetry Chapbook Prize 2008 Judge: Mary Jo Bang
As in love with the etymologies of words as with life itself (and art), the poems in Unshelter leap and dazzle like fireflies of memory, sensation, and history. Page Hill Starzinger’s poetry scintillates with brilliant associative links and yet never loses sight of the often painful truths that inhabit us and our world. Here is a mature voice that has lived on the border land and brought us back the twin gifts of a rich word hoard married to a truly cosmopolitan consciousness.
—Sharon Dolin
Order from Noemi Press, Amazon, and page hill starzinger
What a white hot debut this is: intelligence fairly sizzles on the page. If the poems give no quarter to hearthside complacencies—this is the twenty-first century after all—their formal brilliance and their sheer raw nerve are bracing compensation. Page Hill Starzinger is poetry’s exhilarating rejoinder to the rich experimentalism of contemporary visual art, and visual acuity is high on the list of pleasures here. Heady, grounded, all sinew and surgical steel: these are poems that take us forward.
—Linda Gregerson
Poems from Unshelter
Colorado Review: “Aphasia” “Series #22 (white)”
Pleaides: “Burrow”
Subtropics: “Border Land”
The Laurel Review: “Eucharist Nervosa”
TriQuarterly: “Charcoal Suite”