Likely      it happened in a different way. 
It’s a story
I can rewrite.
                        It’s my story,
I can rewrite it.
                   There are things to see clearly:
          A. I never went out of my way to have 
a child. 
          B. The endometriosis was 
severe, I lost an ovary, appendix. . . .
I had choices, 
     others took them. Plural.
        People can, and will,        adapt. I
mean adopt. 
Grief is something to revise. Or,
to sit with quietly. Try to 
sit with quietly.       Even the 
     is difficult.                 Itchy.
          C.  I am fearful of something going in my body.
Afraid of not taking proper care. 
This is not going well. 
I’d like to end 
as soon as possible. 
is the yolk of the ovum.
Germinal, nutritive, paired and the ovaries suspended, tethered 
by ligaments 
to the peritoneal cavity.
These are facts one can start with.